On a Mission! 1 Company - 1 Job - 1 Vet at a Time

Click Here to download a PDF summary of the V3 Certification Process along with the program’s stated goals and a V3 Commitment Letter template.

Virginia Values Veterans (V3) Initiative: FY14 Goals
(July 2013 – June 2014)

a. Make Virginia the most veteran friendly state in America by helping Virginia employers sharpen their focus on hiring, training, and retaining veterans. The greatest form of respect and reward we can give veterans is to integrate them into the non-military workforce by providing them with meaningful employment.

b. Educate employers of all sizes to navigate and leverage the systems available so they can access these proven Americans and meet their organization’s hiring and retention needs. V3’s primary focus is on Virginia’s companies with less than 1,000 employees. These employers collectively represent the overwhelming majority of the total hiring demand, and connecting them with the primary hiring and retention requirement, Initial Entry Teammates, is one of the goals. V3 will also be looking for enterprise organizations to serve as models for their supply chain vendors and other smaller employers (teaching employers how to fish, not fishing for employers).

c. Develop economic incentives for Virginia employers to hire and retain veterans through both public and private means.

d. Advocate for YOU! – Virginia employers who want to hire and retain Veterans. You own the core data element when you offer one Vet a job and retain them for at least one year. YOU must get the government systems to work for YOU. This will facilitate your job of identifying, recruiting and retaining these great Americans.

e. Identify systemic barriers and communicate them to appropriate state and federal authorities for resolution, then share best practices and lessons learned with V3 constituents.

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